What an awesome discovery tonight … As I was sifting through pictures on my computer, I stumbled across the pic of a Vision Board I had created 10 years ago (actually says on the bottom of it ‘Date created: April 11, 2012!) I would have just turned 40 at that time, and was right in full swing of my longing and searching for self-healing and happiness. Looking over it, I realize that I am now LIVING most of this board, and able to do the things I had been yearning to be able to do again one day (hiking, biking, enjoying learning new things, and LIFE) but was losing the ability to do so due to my roller coaster of weight gain and osteoarthritis in both knees along with the pain/discomfort from inflammation and lipedema. So grateful to have found this and feel that spark of inspiration again. I know just the dusty old garbage bag it’s in, too, and when I dig it out will fill in the space for ‘Date manifested:__’ with the NOW date … just slightly over 10 years later! Remind yourself of the things that bring you JOY, every day. Dreams CAN come true xoxo